This is coming after a long break.. But it was prompted by a new trend that I've seen in the busiest streets in Bangalore. Off late, if you are at a signal/stoplight and making a right turn, it apparently is ok to cut into the wrong side of the road (to move faster) and make the right turn!!! Case in point, Cubbon road - Kamaraj Road intersection. This happens every time with traffic going south from Commercial street.
This is not just dangerous, but so nonsensical as the trend of cutting over to the wrong side of the road has become an acceptable thing right down to the next stoplight at Dispensary road. The biggest culprits - Buses and taxicabs!. Everyone else follows once one of these clever people jump over the fence. This arrangement at the stoplight gets really messy when the light turns red and the traffic from the opposite end is cut loose! These guys on the wrong side are still trying to get past the red light since they are stopped bang in front of oncoming traffic. Insane? Not yet.. The insane part is that there is a traffic cop right there who will completely look the other way. On the other side of the road, there are usually a couple of constables with an inspector or two flagging down red light jumpers and "ticketing" them. (yeah right!) These guys will completey not worry about this stupidity happening across the street.
While everyone in Bangalore complains and complains (like I am now), it's the same people who break the rules left, right and center making the traffic situation a 100 times more horrible than it needs to be. Why are we like this? I have no idea. It's the sickening chaltha hai attitude that we've developed. It's the lack of law enforcement, it's the corruption, it's the knowledge that you can get away with anything in this "free country".
If you are still reading this, perhaps you share my point of view in this matter. Please drive within the definition of common sense and follow the rules. I'm sure we are better than animals and can use our God given brains to realize what's good for us and what's not.